
Ben Pirt

Principal Technologist at Made Tech

I am a professional CTO and entrepreneur with deep experience in startups. I have both founded my own startups and been an early CTO hire in others. I have a very wide range of technology experience; from hardware development to high-volume server side applications and responsive front-end Javascript applications. I am fluent in a range of programming languages depending on their application; including C/C++, Ruby (inc. Rails), Python, Javascript / Node.js (backend), Javascript (frontend) w/ HTML, CSS, React.js. I am also very experienced in the use of server-side technologies such as PostgreSQL, Cassandra and RabbitMQ.

I like to work across the full stack, which in my case often spans from bare hardware (microcontrollers and firmware) to back-end server side programming and on to the front-end with responsive web development frameworks. I am an experienced technical architect who likes nothing more than creating an elegant solution to a technical problem.

I enjoy building and managing teams and have practical hands-on experience in agile methodologies, particularly around integrating these with first class engineering and devops practices.