Paolo Malinverno
I am an independent growth advisor, and Head of Strategy and Innovation for Sensedia. In one sentence, what I do is the Business of Technology. Every CEO wants to grow. It is well known that technology, when properly applied, can be a growth multiplier, for conventional and even more for digital revenue.
The problem is, the world is full of technologists who are not great business people, and vice versa. That’s where I come in: I spent a lifetime advising companies on how to get technology to work for their business. I am a technologist, and a businessman.
Like a Bank offering an open banking platform, parts of traditional businesses are becoming technology companies: I assisted several companies in solving the challenges of getting a platform business model to work. In the coming years, there will be more traditional enterprises operating, at least in part, as a technology company.
I have been an Industry Analyst with Gartner for 23 years, and have worked with software companies for a lifetime. I have deep experience in application infrastructure, especially API management, integration, and various flavors of automation (from process mining to business process management to robotic process automation to low code platforms).
I also advise investors on the most effective choice of providers to engage with, according to their investment priorities.
In one sentence, what I do is the Business of Technology.