
Zdenek Nemec

Founder & CTO of superface.ai

Zdenek ("Z") is the co-founder and CTO of Superface.ai, revolutionizing how businesses connect digitally, empowering developers, and establishing autonomy for APIs. With Superface autonomous systems, you will never have to worry about APIs again. Discover, contract, and connect to capabilities in milliseconds, reducing the API costs up to 99%.

Previously he founded Good API—an independent API consulting company. He helped enterprises (DHL, Adidas, Inditex, KLM-AF, and others) and startups identify and build the right APIs for their businesses faster and with higher quality.

As a former Director of DSL development at Apiary, Z is the author of the API Blueprint description language, used by over 200,000 developers and architects worldwide to describe over 300,000 APIs. He is a co-author of the data modeling language MSON. Zdenek defined and evangelized API first, API design, and contract-driven automated API workflow.

• Author and product owner of several successful developer products
• Entrepreneurial, creative thought leader
• Over 20 years of software development, architecture, management, and research experience
• Advisor of several Fortune 500 companies on their API design, strategy, and implementation processes
• Experienced in growing and mentoring startup companies
• Recognized API expert and conference speaker
• An advocate of Conway's Law, emphasizes the quality and clarity of communication and the well-being of both teams and individuals